Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW)
Eating Disorders Awareness Week takes places February 1-7 every year in Canada.
Eating disorders are the second leading cause of death among all psychiatric illnesses. We know that through open, supportive dialogue, we can help break the shame and silence that affect nearly 1 million Canadians living with a diagnosed eating disorder; and the millions of others who are struggling with unhealthy food and weight preoccupation.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week is a time to increase awareness about eating disorders, their impact and to shed light on the dangerous and pervasive myths that surround them. It is a time of year when Canadians can learn more about eating disorders and about the resources that are available for individuals and family members who are impacted by them.
EDSNA offers events in-person and online throughout the week.
EDAW 2023
Join us for this years events!
Landmarks across the province will be shining in purple to mark Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
The following landmarks have agreed to participate in EDAW:
- City Hall – Lethbridge – February 1, 2023
- City Hall – Red Deer – February 1, 2023
- Gary W. Harris Centre – Red Deer – February 1, 2023
- Municipal Centre – Okotoks – February 1, 2023
- The Galleria Trees – Calgary – February 1 – 7, 2023
- Reconciliation Bridge – February 1, 2023
- Calgary Tower – Calgary – February 2, 2023
- High Level Bridge – Edmonton – February 3, 2023
- Epcor Tower – Edmonton – February 3, 2023
Don’t see your landmark on the list? Contact info@edsna to let us know!
“Lifted Up” is a gathering for Christians to come together in prayer in support of Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
Please RSVP to Sarah at fednutritionconsulting@gmail.
Join the Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta’s Acting Executive Director Angie Mellen and Social Worker Mo Bamuwagun for the kick off to Eating Disorders Awareness Week and Black History Month.
Eating Disorders/Disordered eating in the Black community have long gone unrecognized, underdiagnosed and undertreated. This virtual presentation will give an overview of the diagnostic criteria for eating disorders along with warning signs, it will then delve specifically into eating disorders within the black community – contributing factors, statistics and the problem with those statistics, barriers to accessing treatment and the supports available here in Alberta.
Trigger warning: This presentation will discuss eating disorders, disordered eating, mental health, mental illness, race, racism, discrimination among other topics. While every effort is made to offer this information in a safe, accessible way, some folks may still find conversations or information triggering.
Who better to listen to than the people affected by eating disorders?
In 2022, the J5 Design Firm interviewed and held workshops with youth, families and clinicians about the current state of eating disorder support in Calgary. Come and join us to find out about their journey, their recommendations and how we can influence change to improve the lives of people with this mental illness.
The J5 design team will share their findings at Calgary Silver Linings. Meet like minded folks and join us for an interactive session!
For registration, click here!
Join the Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta’s Acting Executive Director Angie Mellen and Registered Psychologist Vanessa LaPrairie for a virtual presentation on Eating Disorders in 2SLGBTQ+ Folks.
While there are many risk factors associated with eating disorders and disordered eating behaviours, people belonging to the 2SLGBTQ+ community may be particularly vulnerable due to their unique lived experiences. While research between gender identity, sexuality, body image and eating disorders is getting better, there is still a lot to learn and there are many limitations to the current research.
Trigger warning: This presentation will discuss eating disorders, disordered eating, mental health, mental illness and discrimination among other topics. While every effort is made to offer this information in a safe, accessible way, some folks may still find conversations or information triggering.
Join the Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta and Registered Dietitian and Yoga Instructor Rachel Tu for a supportive yoga session to decompress and close out Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
The workshop will focus on information on how yoga may support recovery and practices or tools that you may include in your day to day life or your nervous system. The class will provide safe space to share your experience of the practice.
Items to bring Include:
- comfortable clothing, mat, water bottle, workshop journal (this will be provided in early January), personal journal.
- Equipment like blocks, blankets and mats are available if you need to borrow them.
For the in person event, click here.
For the online event, click here.